Support your brand, expand into new markets, and increase sales. With Shopify Plus, you'll get 10 stores under one plan, a customizable checkout, the lowest fees, and more.
Erweitern Sie einfacher mit insgesamt 10 anderen E-Shops im 1 Plus-Plan. Nehmen Sie Änderungen in allen E-Shops vor und lösen Sie Änderungen einfacher aus.
Shopify Plus bietet dir Zugriff auf Checkout-Skripte, sodass du sie endlich vollständig an deine Marke anpassen kannst.
Zahlen Sie weniger für jede Transaktion, die über Ihr Zahlungsgateway abgewickelt wird. Der Shopify Plus-Plan reduziert die Gebühr im Vergleich zum Advanced Shopify-Plan um mehr als 0,3%.
Wenn du zu Shopify Plus wechselst, erhältst du Zugriff auf eine private Facebook-Gruppe mit anderen Plus-Nutzern. Dort kannst du dich über neue Tipps informieren, Diskussionen mit anderen Plus-Nutzern führen und vieles mehr.
Die Shopify Plus Academy ist eine Sammlung von Hunderten von Videos und Tutorials, die sich verschiedenen Elementen des Betriebs eines E-Shops widmen. Nehmen Sie an Live-Workshops teil, lernen Sie, wie Sie neue Apps verwenden oder lernen Sie mehr E-Commerce-Geschäftsmodelle kennen.
Shopify Plus-Benutzer haben einen separaten Kundensupport, der nur aus Shopify plus E-Shop-Experten besteht. Wenn Sie auf Shopify Plus upgraden, erhalten Sie Ihr eigenes Support-Team „SWAT“.
Compare the features and fees of Shopify Plus vs. other plans.
Customizable checkout
B2B and wholesale features
Exclusive apps
Duties and taxes at checkout
Store instances
International markets
Staff accounts
Checkout capacity
40 ×
10 ×
API rate limits
10 ×
2 ×
Headless storefronts
Inventory locations
24/7 support
Shopify POS Pro
200 ×
$89 / mo.
$89 / mo.
$89 / mo.
Shopify Payments fee
2.15% + 30¢
2.5% + 30¢
2.7% + 30¢
2.9% + 30¢
Third-party gateways fee
Monthly fee
At what sales volume (GMV) does Shopify Plus make sense? Try our calculator to compare the total cost of ownership (TCO) across Shopify plans.
Shopify Plus is most suitable for online stores that exceed an annual turnover of $300,000. However, this threshold depends on several other factors.
Do you already operate multiple localized Shopify stores? What percentage of payments on your store are made by card? How many people do you need to process all the e-commerce tasks? How much time do these processes take you?
For an estimate of the total cost of ownership (TCO) for each Shopify plan, use our calculator.
The monthly fees for the Shopify Plus plan are $2,500 with a one-year contract or $2,300 with a three-year contract.
In addition to the monthly platform fee, you also need to pay transaction fees for Shopify Payments, which are 2.15% + $0.30 per transaction. This amount varies depending on your location; for example, in Europe, the fee is 1.30% + 0.25 € per transaction.
If you use your own payment gateway, Shopify's transaction fee is 0.2%.
To get an estimate of the total cost of ownership (TCO) for different Shopify plans, use our calculator.
Shopify Plus provides numerous advantages, including customizable checkout, reduced transaction fees, and access to advanced features like wholesale pricing, custom payment terms, and a wholesale ordering portal. Plus, you'll have the ability to manage up to 50 markets under one plan.
For a detailed comparison, see the table above or read our dedicated article, 12 Benefits of Shopify Plus.
You can have up to 10 localized online stores and up to 50 different Shopify Markets under one Shopify Plus account.
Shopify Plus runs on dedicated servers specifically designed to handle extreme customer traffic, managing more than 40,000 checkouts per minute per store.
Yes, upgrading to Shopify Plus requires signing at least a one-year contract. However, payments (for the subscription) are still made monthly.
Under optimal conditions, developing a Shopify Plus store typically takes around 5 months. This timeframe can vary based on the technical complexity of your project and our team’s current capacity.
Yes, Shopify Plus includes the ability to create a separate store accessible exclusively to B2B customers.
You can easily switch languages and currencies throughout your entire store. Shopify Plus supports selling in any language and offers a choice of 132 currencies.
With Shopify Plus, you'll receive priority phone/chat/e-mail support from a dedicated team of professionals capable of resolving any issues and advising you on all functionalities.
Yes, Shopify Plus has its own API, allowing integration with various ERP systems (such as SAP, Microsoft Dynamics 365, NetSuite, and more).
You can connect up to 200 different locations to Shopify Plus. If you require a higher limit, contact Shopify Plus support, who will assist you with increasing this limit.
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