10 Tips on How to Start Selling Fitness & Gym Products on Shopify

Tomas Janu


June 12, 2024

10 Tips on How to Start Selling Fitness & Gym Products on Shopify

The fitness industry is booming, and starting an online store for fitness products on Shopify can be a lucrative venture. Here are 10 essential tips to help you get started, including choosing your niche, sourcing products, and optimizing your Shopify store for sales.

10 Tips on How to Start Selling Fitness & Gym Products on Shopify
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The fitness industry is a rapidly growing sector in e-commerce, with global sales expected to reach $12 billion by 2031. As more people prioritize their health and wellness, the demand for fitness products continues to surge. This trend presents a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to enter the market. Shopify, with its robust e-commerce platform, offers an ideal solution for launching a fitness product store.

Some of the most popular fitness products include yoga mats, resistance bands, dumbbells, and fitness trackers. These items cater to a wide range of fitness enthusiasts, from beginners to seasoned athletes, making them excellent choices for your store. By offering high-quality and trending products, you can attract a dedicated customer base.

However, starting an online fitness store involves more than just listing products. To succeed, you need a strategic approach that includes identifying a niche, understanding your competitors, sourcing quality products, and optimizing your store for maximum sales. Here are 10 essential tips to guide you through the process of setting up a successful fitness product store on Shopify.

1. Identify Your Fitness Niche

The fitness market is broad, so focusing on a specific niche will help you stand out. Consider specializing in areas like yoga accessories, home workout equipment, fitness apparel, or nutritional supplements. For example, targeting yoga enthusiasts with high-quality mats, blocks, and straps can attract a dedicated audience.

Jump ropes and weights are always a good idea.
Jump ropes and weights are always a good idea.

2. Research Competitor Offerings

Look at successful fitness stores on Shopify to understand what they do well. Analyze their product range, pricing, customer reviews, and marketing strategies. This can reveal opportunities to differentiate your store, such as offering unique products like eco-friendly yoga mats or personalized workout gear.

3. Partner with Reliable Suppliers

Quality is crucial in the fitness industry. Partner with suppliers known for durable and reliable products. Platforms like Oberlo or direct manufacturer partnerships can be effective. For instance, if you're selling home gym equipment, ensure your suppliers provide detailed product specifications and safety certifications.

4. Develop a Strong Fitness Brand

Your brand should resonate with fitness enthusiasts. Create a memorable logo and consistent color scheme that reflects the energy and vitality of fitness. Use motivational messaging and imagery that inspires your audience. For example, a brand focused on home workouts might use slogans like "Empower Your Home Fitness Journey."

5. Optimize Your Shopify Store for Fitness Shoppers

Use a clean, responsive theme suited for fitness products. Organize your store into categories like "Yoga Essentials," "Strength Training," and "Fitness Apparel." Include high-quality images and detailed descriptions that highlight the benefits and features of each product, such as "Non-slip Yoga Mat - Perfect for Hot Yoga."

6. Implement Fitness-focused SEO

Use SEO to optimize your store for fitness-related keywords. Use terms like "best yoga mats," "home workout equipment," and "fitness apparel." Create content that addresses common fitness questions and needs, such as blog posts on "Top 10 Home Workout Routines" or "How to Choose the Right Resistance Bands."

7. Engage on Fitness Social Media Platforms

Fitness enthusiasts are active on social media. Share engaging content on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Post workout videos, user-generated content, and fitness tips. Collaborate with fitness influencers to promote your products. For example, an Instagram takeover by a popular fitness coach can drive traffic to your store.

8. Offer Exclusive Fitness Discounts and Promotions

Run promotions tailored to fitness events and seasons. Offer discounts during New Year’s resolutions or summer fitness challenges. Use Shopify’s discount features to create limited-time offers and bundle deals, such as "Buy a Yoga Mat and Get 20% Off on Yoga Blocks."

9. Provide Exceptional Customer Support for Fitness Products

Fitness products often come with specific usage questions. Offer comprehensive customer support through live chat, email, and detailed FAQs. Create guides and video tutorials on product usage, like "How to Assemble Your Home Gym Equipment" or "Beginner’s Guide to Using Resistance Bands."

10. Upselling and Cross-selling Fitness Products

Leverage upselling and cross-selling to boost sales. Use apps like Candy Rack to suggest complementary fitness items.

Upsell with Candy Rack

For example, when a customer adds a set of dumbbells to their cart, recommend a dumbbell rack or a workout bench. Highlight the benefits of buying related products together, such as enhancing their workout experience.


Starting a fitness product store on Shopify can be a rewarding venture with the right strategies in place. From identifying your niche to leveraging upselling techniques, these tips will help you build a successful online business. The fitness market is competitive, but with careful planning and execution, you can carve out a profitable segment for yourself.

Remember, Shopify offers a free trial to get your store up and running at no cost. This is a great opportunity to experiment with different strategies and find what works best for your target audience. Take advantage of Shopify's features and resources to launch your fitness brand and start making sales today.

Start your Shopify store for free and pay only $1 for the first monthStart your Shopify store for free and pay only $1 for the first month

Tomas Janu

Tom loves writing about upselling, conversion optimization, and e-commerce trends. He is one of our co-founders, and you can sometimes talk to him if you contact our support team. Make sure to follow him on LinkedIn for more Shopify-related tips and news.

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